Monday, 27 June 2016

AICP 11 - Android Ice Cold Project - MT6592

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AICP 11 for MT6582 is an aftermarket ROM based on CyanogenMod 13/Marshmallow with lots of customization, features and it also comes packed with lot of performance. One ROM to rule them all. This ROM was compiled by Ajit Guraya(ME) from source for MT6582. This ROM is by far the best ROM I have used after RR Remix 5.6.8 as it has both performance and lot of cool features and it has a separate app for keeping all the features together, which is very convenient.

- USSD, Calls, Camera, Video Recording, SMS, Bluetooth and other needed features are working in this ROM and it can be used as a daily driver.

Credits :
  • Ferhung - The man behind CM13 for MT6582
  • Fire855 - Another legend
  • Hyperion70
  • Diparth Shah
  • Ajit Guraya - Compiled AICP 11 for MT6582 from source and fixed camera !
  • Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgah - For video recording fix
  • Aniruddha Adhikary - For his amazing USSD Fix
  • Team Roger That - Ajit Guraya, Diparth Shah, Pawan Diyal, Ashutosh Dubey, Waseem Maya, Ankit Bhatangar, Rohan Taneja, Vipul Jha, Pranav Reddy
  • AICP Devs/Team -
  • Tirth Patel (ME) - Porting
  • Required blobs (Really huge thanks) :
  • nofearnohappy, Varun Chitre, Ariafan, Vald.masti, Fire855, Alex

What's Working :

Video recording in stock/google camera is working with 1080P !
Audio in calls
SMS (Receive and Send both working)
Data (1st sim)
RIL is now more stable
Dual SIM
Screen Recording
Both storages (SD and Internal) mounting in both Phone and PC
720P working in youtube
FM Radio (only headset)
GPS (fully)
HD gaming

Bugs :-

2G/3G Switch
VPN (Neverr be fixed)
Data on 2nd sim (works on some carriers)
Few bugs here and there (might or might not be noticeable)

Links :-

ROM :-

Sound Patch :-

A310 Patch(only A310 Users) :-

Installation :-

- Flash the ROM and then directly flash the sound patch (No need of gapps , already included in ROM)
- Reboot
- Once the ROM boots go to About Phone and tap on build number multiple times till developer options is activated
- Selected Advanced Boot from developer options
- Reboot again
- Go to developer options and go to root access and Select Apps and ADB
- Enjoy the ROM now

Original Thread Can be Found Here :-


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